
Bilateral Switching

Our bilateral switching service can help banks achieve SEPA compliance in the most efficient manner, and one which delivers a high level of control over the way in which clients route their transactions. Our approach assists our clients in meeting the SEPA requirements in the manner which best suits their organisations' needs.

Transactions based on the following schemes can currently be processed on the Trionis Network

  • EUFISERV scheme from EUFISERV Payments
  • EURO 6000 scheme from EURO 6000
  • German ATM scheme from ZKA / DK

Banks using our flexible bilateral switching service can decide which services (ATM or POS) and features they wish to offer their cardholders - and Trionis, with its broad acceptance can make it happen.


Created by: admin. Last Modification: Wednesday 30 of October, 2019 16:51:14 CET by trionis_admin.